Stefan Maurer

M.Sc. student


Max Planck Institute for Medical Research
Jahnstr. 29, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany
Tel.: +49 6221 486-439
E-Mail: stefan.maurer(at)

About me

I am a physics student specialising in biophysics and intrigued by the intricate mechanisms governing cells, especially those responsible for motility. I am fascinated by the question of what makes a living system and the prospects of using synthetic cells in medicine, so I am excited to be part of the Göpfrich group. Currently I am working on GUV nanotube networks.

Short Bio

since 2020 Master student in Physics, Heidelberg University
Biophysical Engineering Group, Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, Heidelberg, Germany
2015 – 2019 Bachelor of Science in Physics, Heidelberg University
Bachelor Thesis in the Schwarz Group, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Heidelberg, Germany