Andreas Schönit
Master student

Max Planck Institute for Medical Research
Jahnstr. 29, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany
Tel.: +49 6221 486-439
E-Mail: andreas.schoenit(at)
About me
I am a Masters student in the Göpfrich group, interested in cell biology as well as DNA nanotechnology and different imaging techniques. In collaboration with the group of Ada Cavalcanti-Adam from the Cellular Biophysics Department, I am working on altering cellular properties by using DNA (origami). In my free time, I love to do sports, especially playing basketball.
Short Bio
since 2018 | Master of Science in Molecular Biotechnology, University of Heidelberg Research stays in Montpellier and at the EMBL in Heidelberg |
2015 – 2018 | Bachelor of Science in Molecular Biotechnology, University of Heidelberg Bachelor thesis in the Department of Cellular Biophysics, MPI Heidelberg |